
In-depth Series on 40 Years of the eBook

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A couple of days ago Marie Lebert released her 40 Years of Project Gutenberg mini guide. Hundreds of people have already downloaded the guide and for those who are seeking a more in-depth review on the history of the ebook, then you’re in luck as Marie will be sharing more articles over the coming weeks. […]

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Considering the 40th Anniversary of eBooks

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How do I love ebooks, let me count the ways: 40 years ago there was only one eBook on the Internet that you could download, and the operators were resistant to an additional eBook being added more than once a year, and it had to be a short one, given the space and bandwidth. From […]

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40 Years of Project Gutenberg: A Mini Guide

Project Gutenberg: A Mini Guide

As today marks the 40th anniversary of Project Gutenberg we have a special ebook gift for all our volunteers and visitors. Marie Lebert and friends have put together a mini picture guide on the history of Project Gutenberg; from the founding of the project by Michael Hart, to the first native French ebook, the inauguration […]

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4th Anniversary of Project Gutenberg Canada

Project Gutenberg Canada (thumbnail)

Today marks the fourth anniversary of the launch of Project Gutenberg Canada on July 1st 2007. We launched PG Canada to give Canadians full access to online versions of works in our public domain that are under copyright in other countries, notably the United States and the European Union. These countries have foolishly extended their […]

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