Here is the announcement of Project Gutenberg first national public exposure, at the Chicago Mid-Winter ALA Meeting, 1990: Date: Sun, 10 Dec 89 11:24:26 CST From: "Michael S. Hart" Subject: Machine Readable Texts Breakfast at ALA Midwinter The Project Gutenberg breakfast has been scheduled for 8:00 to 10:00 A.M. on Saturday, January 6th at the Vie de France restaurant, located at the foot of the escalator descending from the East Tower Atrium Plaza; one may see the escalator directly from the Registration and Concierge's desks, which have both escalator and elevator service adjoining them. A second escalator connects the desk to the lower level where a neon sign on a door to Catch a Rising Star is just to the right of the escalator to the Vie de France (the sign above this escalator reads "Grand Ballroom, Columbus Hall, Retail Shopping") Should you require directions, the Concierge is Sarah and she or one of her staff will gladly assist. This desk can be reached at (312) 565-1234: ask for Concierge's Desk, please. Assistance for anyone who requires elevators is immediately available. The walk across the Atrium Plaza is a bit circuitous, but entertaining. Please feel free to contact me if you require special dietary consideration. I just returned from our preliminary visits to the sites, and to the ALA office and I am quite impressed and pleased. We should all look forward to having a wonderful time. Michael S. Hart, Director, Project Gutenberg National Clearinghouse for Machine Readable Texts P.S. The food is light, wonderful, inexpensive (not free).
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