PG Monthly Newsletter 1990-10-26

by Michael Cook on October 26, 1990

Alice is now on the MRCNEXT@UIUC.CSO.EDU machine and can be downloaded
via FTP at no charge, though the Duncan Reseach copyright is included,
in a copyleft spinoff.  When you log in (you can use this above BITNET
address, or, if your location and programming prefer an
address of that nature) you should then be in the /micro directory one
level above the /micro/etext directory where you should find ALICE.TXT
which is the book with a header explaining about the file.

Please let me know how you do in getting this file, so I can write any
more instructions necessary for easy availability.


Michael  (P.S.  I just made a deal for 50G of storage)


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