PG Other Newsletter: Project Gutenberg Needs You Part 1 (2003-04-15)

by Michael Cook on April 15, 2003

From - Tue Apr 15 20:20:41 2003
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 12:43:44 -0400 (EDT)
From: Michael Hart <>
Subject: [gweekly] Project Gutenberg Needs You! [Short]
To: Project Gutenberg Weekly Newsletter <>
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Project Gutenberg Needs YOU. . .NOW!!!

We Could Reach 10,000 eBooks This Year With Your Help!!!

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[in longer note]

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You can be someone who will never be forgotten.

You can be part of the first 1% of the 1,000,000 eBooks
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April 10, 2002 was the day Project Gutenberg reached 5,000 eBooks.

By Moore's Law October 10, 2003 could be the day for #10,000. . . .

We are just over half way. . .7,661 as I write this. . .2,339 to go!

That will take over 300 eBooks per month, we need you to help us push
our average up from 268 per month to get to 10,000 by December, 31st!

I bet a free dinner #10,000 will come by November, Charles Franks
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range from October 10th to January 21st.

YOU can make history. . .YOU can make this date a day earlier simply
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Just under 14 books per day, and #10,000 could be on October 10!!!
Just over 12 books per day, and that day could be October 28
Just over 11 books per day, and that day could be November 15
Just over 10 books per day, and that day could be December 7
Just over 9 books per day, and that day would be January 3
Just over 8 books per day, and that day would be February 5

This CAN be done!!!!!!!

So far this year:

57 books per week in January
62 per week in February
67 in March. . . .

YOU can help us start doing 77 books per month!!!

I hope to be thanking you soon for your help in breaking down
the bars of ignorance and illiteracy.


Michael S. Hart

PS:  Your email service may not send the next message,
so just ask me if you don't get it, it IS long. . .



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