PG Weekly Newsletter: Part 2 (2005-08-10)

by Michael Cook on August 10, 2005

From news at  Thu Aug 11 15:59:56 2005
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Date: Thu Aug 11 15:59:59 2005
Subject: [gweekly] Pt2 Project Gutenberg Weekly Newsletter
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The Project Gutenberg Weekly Newsletter 10 Aug 2005
eBooks Readable By Both Humans and Computers Since 1971

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part 2 of the Project Gutenberg Weekly Newsletter:
    - Obtaining Project Gutenberg eBooks
    - Updates/corrections to previously posted eBooks
    - 84 New U.S. eBooks this week
    - 1 New eBooks at Project Gutenberg of Australia
    - Last, but not least:  insights and other fine stuff
    - Mailing list information

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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           [ Here Are The Updated Listings For This Past Week ]

TOTAL COUNT as of today, Wed, 10 Aug 2005: 16927 (incl. 467 Aus.).

Last week the Total Count was 16842, including 466 at PG of Australia.
This week we added 85 new.


=-=-=-=[ CORRECTIONS, REVISIONS AND NEW FORMATS ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

:: During the past week the following ebooks were manually updated and
reposted with the indicated filenames and transferred into the corresponding
new directories:

The Celibates, by Honore de Balzac                                        7927
   [Includes: Pierrette, The Vicar of Tours, and The Two Brothers]
   [Tr.: Katharine Prescott Wormeley] [Intro.: George Saintsbury]

Manalive, by G. K. Chesterton                                             1718

Pierrette, by Honore de Balzac                                            1704
   [Tr.: Katharine Prescott Wormeley]

The Two Brothers, by Honore de Balzac                                     1380
   [Tr.: Katharine Prescott Wormeley]

The Vicar of Tours, by Honore de Balzac                                   1345
   [Tr.: Katharine Prescott Wormeley]

:: Please note the following additional changes, corrections, improvements:

Volume number corrected from XVI to XVII:
Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction, No. 474, by Various    12685
   [Subtitle: Vol. XVII. No. 474., Supplementary Number]

Volume number corrected from 161 to 156:
Punch, Or The London Charivari, Vol. 156, April 9, 1919, by Various      12614

-=-=-=-=[  84 NEW U.S. EBOOKS ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Another World, by Benjamin Lumley (AKA Hermes)                           16503
   [Subtitle: Fragments from the Star City of Montalluyah]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16503.txt; 16503-8.txt]

The Witness, by Grace Livingston Hill Lutz                               16502
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16502.txt; 16502-8.txt; 16502-h.htm]

The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803, V5, 1582-83, ed. by Blair/Robertson   16501
   [Ed.: Emma Helen Blair and James Alexander Robertson]
   [Intro. and Notes: Edward Gaylord Bourne]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16501.txt; 16501-8.txt; 16501-h.htm]

More Translations from the Chinese, by Various                           16500
   [Translator: Arthur Waley]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16500.txt; 16500-8.txt; 16500-0.txt; 16500-h.htm]

Henriette, by Franois Coppe                                            16499
   [Language: French]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16499-8.txt; 16499-h.htm]

The Great Round World, Vol. 1, No. 59, December 23, 1897, by Various     16498
   [Title: The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It]
   [Subtitle: A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls]
   [Editor: Julia Truitt Bishop]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16498.txt; 16498-8.txt; 16498-h.htm]

The Moon out of Reach, by Margaret Pedler                                16497
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16497.txt; 16497-8.txt]

Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (1 of 8),Raphael Holinshed  16496
   [Subtitle: From the Time That It Was First Inhabited, Vntill the Time]
   [That It Was Last Conquered: Wherein the Sundrie Alterations]
   [of the State Vnder Forren People Is Declared; And Other]
   [Manifold Observations Remembred]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16496.txt; 16496-8.txt; 16496-h.htm]

Your Boys, by Gipsy Smith                                                16495
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16495.txt; 16495-8.txt; 16495-h.htm]

The Transvaal from Within, by J. P. Fitzpatrick                          16494
   [Subtitle: A Private Record of Public Affairs]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16494.txt; 16494-8.txt; 16494-h.htm]

The Man Without a Country, by Edward E. Hale                             16493
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16493.txt]

Biribi, by Georges Darien                                                16492
   [Subtitle: Discipline militaire]
   [Language: French]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16492-8.txt; 16492-h.htm]

Vergilius, by Irving Bacheller                                           16491
   [Subtitle: A Tale of the Coming of Christ]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16491.txt; 16491-8.txt]

Kuningas Lear, by William Shakespeare                                    16490
   [Translator: Paavo Cajander]
   [Language: Finnish]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16490-8.txt]

Igiene dei piaceri, by Auguste Debay                                     16489
   [Full title: Igiene dei piaceri secondo le et, i temperamenti e le]
   [Translator: Gianpietro Introzzi]
   [Language: Italian]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16489-8.txt; 16489-h.htm]

Debussy's Pellas et Mlisande, by Lawrence Gilman                       16488
   [Subtitle: A Guide to the Opera with Musical Examples from the Score]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16488.txt; 16488-8.txt; 16488-h.htm]

The Story of the Living Machine, by H. W. Conn                           16487
   [Subtitle: A Review of the Conclusions of Modern Biology in Regard]
   [to the Mechanism Which Controls the Phenomena of Living]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16487.txt; 16487-8.txt; 16487-h.htm]

Celebrated Claimants from Perkin Warbeck to Arthur Orton, by Anonymous   16486
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16486.txt; 16486-8.txt; 16486-h.htm]

Year's Journey through France and Part of Spain, 1777, Philip Thicknesse 16485
   [Subtitle: Volume 1 (of 2)]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16485.txt; 16485-8.txt; 16485-h.htm]

Juanita La Larga, by Juan Valera                                         16484
   [Commentator: Paulino Garagorri, prologue]
   [Language: Spanish]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16484-8.txt; 16484-h.htm]

Muistoja lapsen ja hopeahapsen 3, by Anders Ramsay                       16483
   [Subtitle: Kuvauksia]
   [Translator: Knut Sarlin]
   [Language: Finnish]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16483-8.txt]

Muistoja lapsen ja hopeahapsen 2, by Anders Ramsay                       16482
   [Subtitle: Kuvauksia]
   [Translator: Knut Sarlin]
   [Language: Finnish]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16482-8.txt]

Muistoja lapsen ja hopeahapsen 1, by Anders Ramsay                       16481
   [Subtitle: Kuvauksia]
   [Translator: Knut Sarlin]
   [Language: Finnish]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16481-8.txt]

Beechenbrook, by Margaret J. Preston                                     16480
   [Subtitle: A Rhyme of the War]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16480.txt; 16480-8.txt; 16480-h.htm]

The Latin & Irish Lives of Ciaran, by Anonymous                          16479
   [Subtitle: Translations Of Christian Literature. Series V. Lives Of]
   [The Celtic Saints]
   [Translator: R.A. Stewart MacAlister]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16479.txt; 16479-8.txt; 16479-h.htm]

Records of a Girlhood, by Frances Ann Kemble                             16478
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16478.txt; 16478-8.txt; 16478-h.htm]

Florence and Northern Tuscany with Genoa, by Edward Hutton               16477
   [Subtitle: With Sixteen Illustrations In Colour By William Parkinson]
   [And Sixteen Other Illustrations, Second Edition]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16477.txt; 16477-8.txt; 16477-h.htm]

The Rover Boys on Land and Sea, by Arthur M. Winfield                    16476
   [Subtitle: The Crusoes of Seven Islands]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16476.txt]

The Great Round World, Vol. 1, No. 58, December 16, 1897, by Various     16475
   [Full title: The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1,]
   [No. 58, December 16, 1897]
   [Subtitle: A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls]
   [Editor: Julia Truitt Bishop]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16475.txt; 16475-8.txt; 16475-h.htm]

Lectures and Essays, by Thomas Henry Huxley                              16474
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16474.txt; 16474-8.txt; 16474-h.htm]

Queen Hildegarde, by Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards                       16473
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16473.txt; 16473-8.txt; 16473-h.htm]

Through Forest and Fire, by Edward Ellis                                 16472
   [Subtitle: Wild-Woods Series No. 1]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16472.txt; 16472-8.txt; 16472-h.htm]

General History, Volume 16, by Robert Kerr                               16471
   [Full title: A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels,]
   [Volume 16]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16471.txt; 16471-8.txt; 16471-h.htm]

The Profits of Religion, Fifth Edition, by Upton Sinclair                16470
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16470.txt; 16470-8.txt; 16470-h.htm]

Lives of the Poets Volume II, by Theophilus Cibber                       16469
   [Full title: The Lives of the Poets of Great Britain and Ireland (1753)]
   [Subtitle: Volume II]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16469.txt; 16469-8.txt; 16469-h.htm]

The Pot of Gold, by Mary E. Wilkins                                      16468
   [Subtitle: And Other Stories]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16468.txt; 16468-8.txt; 16468-h.htm]

Musicians of To-Day, by Romain Rolland                                   16467
   [Commentator: Claude Landi]
   [Translator: Mary Blaiklock]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16467.txt; 16467-8.txt; 16467-h.htm]

Four Months Besieged, by H. H. S. Pearse                                 16466
   [Subtitle: The Story of Ladysmith]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16466.txt; 16466-8.txt; 16466-h.htm]

Le chteau de La Belle-au-bois-dormant, by Pierre Loti                   16465
   [Language: French]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16465-8.txt; 16465-h.htm]

The Ancient Irish Epic Tale Tin B Calnge, by Unknown                  16464
   [Translator: Joseph Dunn]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16464.txt; 16464-8.txt; 16464-h.htm]

In the Shadow of Death, by P. H. Kritzinger and R. D. McDonald           16463
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16463.txt; 16463-8.txt; 16463-h.htm]

With the Boer Forces, by Howard C. Hillegas                              16462
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16462.txt; 16462-8.txt; 16462-h.htm]

A Bird's-Eye View of the Bible, by Frank Nelson Palmer                   16461
   [Subtitle: Second Edition]
   [Commentator: J. Wilbur Chapman]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16461.txt; 16461-h.htm]

>From Aldershot to Pretoria, by W. E. Sellers                             16460
   [Subtitle: A Story of Christian Work among Our Troops in South Africa]
   [Commentator: R. W. Allen]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16460.txt; 16460-8.txt; 16460-h.htm]

Musical Memories, by Camille Saint-Saens                                 16459
   [Translator: Edwin Gile Rich]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16459.txt; 16459-8.txt; 16459-h.htm]

The Princess Pocahontas, by Virginia Watson                              16458
   [Illustrator: George Wharton Edwards]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16458.txt; 16458-8.txt; 16458-h.htm]

All Around the Moon, by Jules Verne                                      16457
   [Translator: Edward Roth]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16457.txt; 16457-8.txt; 16457-h.htm]

The Works of John Dryden, Vol. 6 (of 18), by John Dryden                 16456
   [Subtitle: Limberham; Oedipus; Troilus and Cressida; The Spanish Friar]
   [Editor: Walter Scott]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16456.txt; 16456-8.txt; 16456-h.htm]

The Otterbein Hymnal, by Edmund S. Lorenz                                16455
   [Subtitle: For Use in Public and Social Worship]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16455.txt; 16455-8.txt; 16455-h.htm]

The Upas Tree, by Florence L. Barclay                                    16454
   [Subtitle: A Christmas Story for all the Year]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16454.txt; 16454-8.txt; 16454-h.htm]

The Measure of a Man, by Amelia Edith Huddleston Barr                    16453
   [Illustrator: Frank T. Merrill]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16453.txt; 16453-8.txt; 16453-h.htm]

The Iliad of Homer, by Homer                                             16452
   [Subtitle: Translated into English Blank Verse]
   [Translator: William Cowper]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16452.txt; 16452-8.txt; 16452-h.htm]

The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, Vol. 23, Ed. by Blair & Robertson     16451
   [Subtitle: Volume XXIII, 1629-1630]
   [Ed.: Emma Helen Blair and James Alexander Robertson]
   [Intro. and Notes: Edward Gaylord Bourne]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16451.txt; 16451-8.txt; 16451-h.htm]

The Reminiscences of an Irish Land Agent, by S.M. Hussey                 16450
   [Editor: Home Gordon]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16450.txt; 16450-8.txt; 16450-h.htm]

The Number Concept, by Levi Leonard Conant                               16449
   [Subtitle: Its Origin and Development]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16449.txt; 16449-8.txt; 16449-h.htm]

Jewel's Story Book, by Clara Louise Burnham                              16448
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16448.txt; 16448-8.txt; 16448-h.htm]

The Clarion, by Samuel Hopkins Adams                                     16447
   [Illustrator: W. D. Stevens]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16447.txt; 16447-8.txt; 16447-h.htm]

Buntong Hininga, by Pascual De Leon                                      16446
   [Subtitle: Mga Tulang Tagalog]
   [Language: Tagalog]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16446-8.txt; 16446-h.htm]

Observations and Reflections, by Hester Lynch Piozzi                     16445
   [Full title: Observations and Reflections Made in the Course of a]
   [through France, Italy, and Germany, Vol. I]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16445.txt; 16445-8.txt; 16445-h.htm]

Indian Unrest, by Valentine Chirol                                       16444
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16444.txt; 16444-8.txt]

Uma famlia ingleza, by Jlio Dinis                                      16443
   [Subtitle: Scenas da vida do porto]
   [Language: Portuguese]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16443-8.txt]

The Doctrine of Evolution, by Henry Edward Crampton                      16442
   [Subtitle: Its Basis and Its Scope]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16442.txt; 16442-8.txt]

The Closet of Sir Kenelm Digby Knight Opened, by Kenelm Digby            16441
   [Editor: Anne MacDonell]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16441.txt; 16441-8.txt; 16441-h.htm]

The Water Supply, by J. L. Campbell                                      16440
   [Full title: The Water Supply of the El Paso and Southwestern Railway]
   [from Carrizozo to Santa Rosa, N. Mex.]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16440.txt; 16440-8.txt; 16440-h.htm]

De Re Coquinaria, by Apicius                                             16439
   [Subtitle: Librorvm X Qvi Dicvntvr De Re Coqvinaria]
   [Editor: Cesare Giarratano and Friedrich Vollmer]
   [Language: Latin]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16439.txt; 16439-8.txt; 16439-0.txt; 16439-h.htm]

Memoirs of Arthur Hamilton, B. A. Of Trinity College Cambridge, Benson   16438
   [Full author: Arthur Christopher Benson]
   [Subtitle: Extracted From His Letters And Diaries, With Reminiscences]
   [Of His Conversation By His Friend Christopher Carr Of The]
   [Same College]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16438.txt; 16438-0.txt; 16438-h.htm]

The Children of France, by Ruth Royce                                    16437
   [Subtitle: A Book of Stories of the Heroism and Self-sacrifice of]
   [Youthful Patriots of France During the Great War]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16437.txt; 16437-8.txt; 16437-h.htm]

Poems Every Child Should Know, by Various                                16436
   [Subtitle: The What-Every-Child-Should-Know-Library]
   [Editor: Mary E. Burt]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16436.txt; 16436-8.txt; 16436-h.htm]

The Atlantic Book of Modern Plays, by Various                            16435
   [Editor: Sterling Andrus Leonard]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16435.txt; 16435-8.txt]

Autobiography of Friedrich Froebel, by Friedrich Froebel                 16434
   [Translator: Emilie Michaelis]
   [H. Keatley Moore]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16434.txt; 16434-8.txt; 16434-h.htm]

The Gay Cockade, by Temple Bailey                                        16433
   [Illustrator: C. E. Chambers]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16433.txt; 16433-8.txt; 16433-h.htm]

Esperanto, by Richard Bartholdt and A. Christen                          16432
   [Full title: Esperanto: Hearings before the Committee on Education]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16432.txt; 16432-8.txt; 16432-h.htm]

Richard Wagner, by John F. Runciman                                      16431
   [Subtitle: Composer of Operas]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16431.txt; 16431-8.txt; 16431-h.htm]

The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 4, No. 23, September, 1859, by Various      16430
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16430.txt; 16430-8.txt; 16430-h.htm]

Contos para a infncia, by Guerra Junqueiro                              16429
   [Subtitle: Escohidos dos melhores auctores]
   [Language: Portuguese]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16429-8.txt]

Os fidalgos da Casa Mourisca, by Jlio Dinis                             16428
   [Subtitle: Chronica da aldeia]
   [Language: Portuguese]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16428-8.txt]

The Splendid Folly, by Margaret Pedler                                   16427
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16427.txt; 16427-8.txt; ]

Unknown Mexico, Volume 1 (of 2), by Carl Lumholtz                        16426
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16426.txt; 16426-8.txt; 16426-h.htm]

Amor de Perdio, by Camillo Castello Branco                             16425
   [Subtitle: Memorias d'uma familia]
   [Language: Portuguese]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16425-8.txt]

Some Christian Convictions, by Henry Sloane Coffin                       16424
   [Subtitle: A Practical Restatement in Terms of Present-Day Thinking]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16424.txt; 16424-8.txt; 16424-h.htm]

A Coal From The Altar, To Kindle The Holy Fire of Zeale, by Samuel Ward  16423
   [Subtitle: In a Sermon Preached at a Generall Visitation at Ipswich]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16423.txt; 16423-8.txt; 16423-h.htm]

The Home in the Valley, by Emilie F. Carlen                              16422
   [Translator: Elbert Perce]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16422.txt; 16422-8.txt; 16422-h.htm]

Le legs de Can, by Leopold Ritter von Sacher-Masoch                     16421
   [Subtitle: Un Testament -- Basile Hymen -- Le Paradis sur le Dniester]
   [Language: French]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16421-8.txt; 16421-h.htm]

The Arte of English Poesie, by George Puttenham                          16420
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16420.txt; 16420-8.txt]

-=-=-=-=[ 1 NEW EBOOKS AT PROJECT GUTENBERG OF AUSTRALIA ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Aug 2005 Rockbound, by Frank Parker Day                    [] 0467A

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