PG Weekly Newsletter: Part 2 (2005-11-09)

by Michael Cook on November 9, 2005

From news at  Wed Nov  9 14:39:38 2005
From: news at (Project Gutenberg Newsletter)
Date: Wed Nov  9 14:39:41 2005
Subject: [gweekly] Pt2 Project Gutenberg Weekly Newsletter
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The Project Gutenberg Weekly Newsletter 09 Nov 2005
eBooks Readable By Both Humans and Computers Since 1971

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Part 2 of the Project Gutenberg Weekly Newsletter:
    - Obtaining Project Gutenberg eBooks
    - Updates/corrections to previously posted eBooks
    - 45 New U.S. eBooks this week
    - 3 New eBooks at Project Gutenberg of Australia


On, Mon 07 Nov 2005, eBook #500 was announced.  And as noted in this
week's listing, there are actually 502 titles posted.

In addition to the postings unique to the Australia collection, Col
Choate and his team of volunteers have also contributed substantially to
the PG U.S. eBook collecltion.  Thank you, and best wishes to all!

(For more information about the PG of Oz web site, please see the
separate section after the new PG U.S. listings.)

    - Mailing list information

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Nov 2003 to the new filenaming and directory system (based on the eBook
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correcting and re-formatting to current PG standards where practicable).
These re-postings are noted in the "corrections" listings below.  More
information can be found in the file GUTINDEX.ALL mentioned above.

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Please see Part 1 of this week's newsletter for more information about
Project Gutenberg.  And if you haven't done so lately, please visit the
website at to see what's new.

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      Note:  this listing best viewed with a fixed-width font, such as
             Courier New or similar.

To report an error in the listings below, please write to
and include the word CORRECTION in the subject line.

           [ Here Are The Updated Listings For This Past Week ]

TOTAL COUNT as of today, Tue, 08 Nov 2005: 17483 (incl. 502 Aus.).

Last week the Total Count was 17438, including 501 at PG of Australia.
This week we added 45 new, plus 3 at PG of Australia.


=-=-=-=[ CORRECTIONS, REVISIONS AND NEW FORMATS ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

:: During the past week the following ebooks were manually updated and
reposted with the indicated filenames and transferred into the corresponding
new directories:

What Maisie Knew, by Henry James                                         7118
   [Updated edition of: etext04/wmais10.txt ]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 7118.txt; 7118-8.txt; 7118-h.htm]

:: Please note the following additional changes, corrections, improvements

Add translator and editor:
Uber die Dichtkunst, by Aristoteles                                      16880
   [Trans. and Preface: Alfred Gudeman]
   [Language: German]

Add full title:
Sixteen Poems, by William Allingham                                      16839
   [Title: Sixteen Poems By William Allingham: Selected By William Butler

Remove hypen from "John-Stuart":
Auguste Comte and Positivism, by John Stuart Mill                        16833
   [Language: English]

Add additional author information:
Valkoinen kameeli ja muita kertomuksia itmailta, by Heikki Kentt       16838
   [Author: Heikki Kentta is a pseudonym for Valter Juvelius]
   [Author note: Valter Juvelius aka Valter Juva]
   [Language: Finnish]

Correct volume number (18, not 28):
The Nursery, No. 106, October 1875, Vol. 18, by Various                  16522
   [Subtitle: A Monthly Magazine for Youngest Readers]

-=-=-=-=[  45 NEW U.S. EBOOKS ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Lukinverkkoja, by Harriet Beecher Stowe                                  17033
   [Subtitle: Pieni tomupiiloja jotka kotionneamme haittaavat]
   [Language: Finnish]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 17033-8.txt]

The Lieutenant and Commander, by Basil Hall                              17032
   [Subtitle: Being Autobigraphical Sketches of His Own Career, from]
   [Fragments of Voyages and Travels]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 17032.txt; 17032-8.txt; 17032-h.htm]

The Disentanglers, by Andrew Lang                                        17031
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 17031.txt; 17031-h.htm]

Sfarinn, by Jules Verne                                                 17025
   [Subtitle: Ferin kring um hnttinn neansjvar]
   [Language: Icelandic]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 17025-8.txt; 17025-0.txt; 17025-h.htm]

Last Journals of David Livingstone, II (of  2), by David Livingstone     17024
   [Full title: The Last Journals of David Livingstone, in Central Africa,]
   [from 1865 to His Death, Volume II (of  2), 1866-1868]
   [Subtitle: Continued By A Narrative Of His Last Moments And Sufferings,]
   [Obtained From His Faithful Servants Chuma And Susi]
   [Editor: Horace Waller]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 17024.txt; 17024-8.txt; 17024-0.txt; 17024-h.htm]

Ap-Ap, by Pantalen S. Lopez                                              17023
   [Title: Ap-Ap (Zarzuela) at Kung Sinong Ap-Ap (Kasaysayan)]
   [Language: Tagalog]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 17023-8.txt; 17023-h.htm]

The First Discovery of Australia and New Guinea, by George Collingridge  17022
   [Subtitle: Being The Narrative of Portuguese and Spanish Discoveries]
   [in the Australasian Regions, between the Years 1492-1606,]
   [with Descriptions of their Old Charts.]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 17022.txt; 17022-8.txt; 17022-h.htm]

Watch and Clock Escapements, by Anonymous                                17021
   [Subtitle: A Complete Study in Theory and Practice of the Lever,]
   [Cylinder and Chronometer Escapements, Together with a Brief Account of the]
   [Origin and Evolution of the Escapement in Horology]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 17021.txt; 17021-8.txt; 17021-h.htm; ]

The False Gods, by George Horace Lorimer                                 17020
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 17020.txt; 17020-8.txt; 17020-h.htm; ]

A String of Amber Beads, by Martha Everts Holden                         17019
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 17019.txt; 17019-8.txt; ]

Life and Letters of Walter H. Page, Volume II, by Burton J. Hendrick     17018
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 17018.txt; 17018-8.txt; 17018-h.htm]

The Life and Letters of Walter H. Page, Volume I, by Burton J. Hendrick  17017
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 17017.txt; 17017-8.txt; 17017-h.htm]

Division of Words, by Frederick W. Hamilton                              17016
   [Subtitle: Rules for the Division of Words at the Ends of Lines, with]
   [Remarks on Spelling, Syllabication and Pronunciation]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 17016.txt; 17016-8.txt; 17016-h.htm]

Mor i Sutre, by Hjalmar Bergman                                          17015
   [Language: Swedish]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 17015-8.txt]

The War Chief of the Six Nations, by Louis Aubrey Wood                   17014
   [Subtitle: A Chronicle of Joseph Brant]
   [Volume 16 (of 32) in the series Chronicles of Canada]
   [Editor: George M. Wrong and H. H. Langton]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 17014.txt]

Fortunata y Jacinta, by Benito Pz Gald                                   17013
   [Subtitle: dos historias de casadas]
   [Language: Spanish]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 17013-8.txt; 17013-h.htm]

The House of Walderne, by A. D. Crake                                    17012
   [Subtitle: A Tale of the Cloister and the Forest in the Days of the Barons' 
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 17012.txt; 17012-h.htm]

I.N.R.I., by Peter Rosegger                                              17011
   [Subtitle: A prisoner's Story of the Cross]
   [Tr.: Elizabeth Lee]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 17011.txt; 17011-8.txt; 17011-h.htm; ]

La faneuse d'amour, by Georges Eekhoud                                   17010
   [Language: French]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 17010-8.txt; 17010-h.htm]

Studies in Occultism, by H. P. Blavatsky                                 17009
   [Full title: Studies in Occultism; A Series of Reprints from the]
   [of H. P. Blavatsky]
   [Subtitle: No. 1: Practical Occultism--Occultism versus the Occult]
   [Arts--The Blessings of Publicity]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 17009.txt; 17009-8.txt; 17009-h.htm]

A Counter-Blaste to Tobacco, by King James I                             17008
   [Editor: Edmund Goldsmid]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 17008.txt; 17008-8.txt; 17008-h.htm]

Imaginre Brcken, by Jakob Wassermann                                   17007
   [Language: German]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 17007-8.txt; 17007-0.txt; 17007-h.htm]

Two Christmas Celebrations, by Theodore Parker                           17006
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 17006.txt]

Lendas e Narrativas (Tomo II), by Alexandre Herculano                    17005
   [Language: Portuguese]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 17005-8.txt]

Histoire des plus clbres amateurs italiens, by Jules Dumesnil          17004
   [Full title: Histoire des plus clbres amateurs italiens et de leurs]
   [relations avec les artistes]
   [Subtitle: Tome IV]
   [Language: French]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 17004-8.txt; 17004-h.htm]

Indiscreet Letters From Peking, by B. L. Putman Weale                    17003
   [Subtitle: Being the Notes of an Eye-Witness, Which Set Forth in Some]
   [Detail, from Day to Day, the Real Story of the Siege and Sack of a]
   [Distressed Capital in 1900--The Year of Great Tribulation]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 17003.txt; 17003-h.htm; ]

Churches of the Presbyterial Order at Amoy, China, by J. V. N. Talmage   17002
   [Full title: History and Ecclesiastical Relations of the Churches of]
   [the Presbyterial Order at Amoy, China]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 17002.txt; 17002-h.htm]

An Elementary Course in Synthetic Projective Geometry by Lehmer          17001
   [Full author: Derrick Norman Lehmer]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 17001.txt; 17001-8.txt; 17001-0.txt; 17001-h.htm]
   [17001-pdf.pdf; 17001-tei.tei]

Of the Orthographie and Congruitie of the Britan Tongue, Alexander Hume  17000
   [Subtitle: A Treates, noe shorter than necessarie, for the Schooles]
   [Editor: Henry B. Wheatley]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 17000.txt; 17000-8.txt; 17000-0.txt; 17000-h.htm]

Servia, Youngest Member of the European Family, Andrew Archibald Paton   16999
   [Subtitle: or, A Residence in Belgrade and Travels in the Highlands and
    Woodlands of the Interior, during the years 1843 and 1844]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16999.txt; 16999-8.txt; 16999-h.htm]

The Betrayal, by E. Phillips Oppenheim                                   16998
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16998.txt; ]

Journey through the Kingdom of Oude, Vols. I & II, by William Sleeman    16997
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16997.txt; 16997-8.txt; 16997-h.htm]

Two Old Faiths, by J. Murray Mitchell and William Muir                   16996
   [Subtitle: Essays on the Religions of the Hindus and the Mohammedans]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16996.txt; 16996-8.txt; 16996-h.htm]

Riley Love-Lyrics, by James Whitcomb Riley                               16995
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16995.txt; 16995-8.txt; 16995-h.htm]

A Year's Journey through France & Part of Spain, Vol. 2, by Thicknesse   16994
   [Author: Philip Thicknesse]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16994.txt; 16994-8.txt; 16994-h.htm; ]

Miss Dexie, by Stanford Eveleth                                          16993
   [Subtitle: A Romance of the Provinces]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16993.txt; 16993-8.txt; 16993-h.htm]

On the King's Service, by Innes Logan                                    16992
   [Subtitle: Inward Glimpses of Men at Arms]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16992.txt; 16992-8.txt; 16992-h.htm]

The Circus Comes to Town, by Lebbeus Mitchell                            16991
   [Illustrator: Rhoda Chase]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16991.txt; 16991-h.htm]

Posies, by Isidore Ducasse                                              16989
   [Language: French]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16989-8.txt; 16989-h.htm]

Le IIe livre des masques, by Remy de Gourmont                            16988
   [Language: French]
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16988-8.txt; 16988-h.htm]

Craftsmanship in Teaching, by William Chandler Bagley                    16987
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16987.txt; 16987-8.txt; 16987-h.htm; ]

The Seven Valleys and the Four Valleys, by Baha'u'llah                   16986C
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16986.txt; 16986-8.txt; 16986-0.txt; 16986-h.htm; 16986-pdf.pdf;

Proclamation of Baha'u'llah, by Baha'u'llah                              16985C
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16985.txt; 16985-8.txt; 16985-0.txt; 16985-h.htm ]
   [         16985-pdf.pdf; 16985-tei.tei]

Prayers and Meditations, by Baha'u'llah                                  16984C
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16984.txt; 16984-8.txt; 16984-0.txt; 16984-h.htm ]
   [         16984-pdf.pdf; 16984-tei.tei]

The Kitab-i-Iqan, by Baha'u'llah                                         16983C
   [Link: ]
   [Files: 16983.txt; 16983-8.txt; 16983-0.txt; 16983-h.htm ]
   [         16983-pdf.pdf; 16983-tei.tei]

-=-=-=-=[ 3 NEW EBOOKS AT PROJECT GUTENBERG OF AUSTRALIA ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Oct 2005 The Survivor, E. Phillips Oppenheim               [] 0502A

Oct 2005 The Way of the Spirit, H Rider Haggard            [] 0501A

Nov 2005 The First Discovery of Australia, by Collingridge [] 0500A

eBooks are posted in uncompressed and/or compressed formats.  To access these
ebooks, go to

For more information about Project Gutenberg of Australia, including
accessing those etexts from outside of Australia, please visit:

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