Google and YouTube…the Truth

by Michael Cook on October 22, 2006

While nearly every media outlet is once again filled with press releases from Google and YouTube, you probably have not heard much about the fact that Google tried competing with YouTube and never really got their program running — hence the $1.65 billion takeover of YouTube.


It would appear that Google has been sucked into the Brave New World of “Infotainment.”


“If you can’t beat them, buy them!”


Wasn’t that once the motto of MicroSoft???


Or was it the motto of CBS when they bought Katie Couric?


Do you think the new merger will be called:


Yougle ???




GooTube ???


Google’s eBook projects seem to be working about as well, even with a large handful of billion dollar libraries to help them with something they don’t know anything about.


Do you think I should sell Project Gutenberg to Google?


For more or less thatn $1.65 billion?


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