pgweekly_2007_01_31.txt The Project Gutenberg Weekly Newsletter for Wednesday, January 31, 2007 ****eBooks Readable by Both Humans and Computers since July 4, 1971**** NOTE: Best viewed with a fixed-width font, i.e. Courier New. Windows NotePad is a good a program to use for viewing. This Weeks News --------------- HART'S OPINION [extract] (on 'Challenges to Copyright Law Rejected By 9th Circuit') By Michael Hart Some sad news to report: the 9th Circuit has rejected constitutional challenges to the copyright laws in *Kahle v. Gonzales*. The opinion is here. Sad, yes, but also positively maddening, for reasons I will explain shortly. First, a bit of background: Plaintiffs in this case -- the Internet Archive and its Chairman, Brewster Kahle, and the Prelinger Film Archive and its President, Richard Prelinger -- filed suit seeking a declaratory judgment that Congress violated the Constitution when it removed our traditional system of formalities from the copyright law. A bit of background: From the first U.S. copyright statute in 1790 until the Copyright Act of 1976, the U.S. had an "opt-in" copyright system that limited copyright protection to those who took affirmative steps to claim it -- by, for example, registering their copyright, marking copies of their work with copyright notice, and renewing their copyright after a relatively short initial period of protection. Our tradition of opt-in copyright stands in stark contrast to what we have today -- an "opt-out" system that grants copyright protection whether or not an author desires it. Our current law grants copyright protection whether or not the work is registered, marked, or renewed. Formalities, where they have been retained at all, are voluntary and do not effect the existence or continuation of copyright. 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NEWS HEADLINES -- Visit to read these news items. * In Memoriam: Allan Barnard * Google's Moon Shot: The quest for the universal library * Printing Press to Project Gutenberg * Cuts threaten services at British Library * Challenges to Copyright Law Rejected By 9th Circuit To submit a news item please email Project Gutenberg News Website ------------------------------ For more information, PG related news and statistics please visit the Project Gutenberg Newsletter website: If you have any questions or thoughts please email: WANTED ADS ---------- Project Gutenberg is looking for Volunteers. To learn how you can help please visit our Volunteers Wanted! 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Street] [Link: ] [Files: 20453.txt; 20453-h.htm] Letters of Edward FitzGerald, by Edward FitzGerald 20452 [Editor: William Aldis Wright] [Subtitle: in two volumes, Vol. 1] [Link: ] [Files: 20452.txt; 20452-h.htm] The Confessions of Artemas Quibble, by Arthur Train 20451 [Link: ] [Files: 20451.txt; 20451-8.txt] Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Principal Saints, by Alban Butler 20450 [Subtitle: January, February, March] [Link: ] [Files: 20450.txt; 20450-8.txt] The Plum Tree, by David Graham Phillips 20449 [Illustrator: E. M. Ashe] [Link: ] [Files: 20449.txt; 20449-8.txt; 20449-h.htm] The Wit of a Duck and Other Papers, by John Burroughs 20448 [Link: ] [Files: 20448.txt; 20448-8.txt; 20448-h.htm] Works of Robert G. 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