For sometime I’ve been working through the Newsletter Archives doing a manual count on all the ‘posted’ listings, then entering the results into a spreadsheet. I wanted to confirm that all the statistics added up correctly. There was some inconsistencies but I believe that now it is a much more accurate week-by-week, year-by-year account.
As a result there will be some differences in the numbers previously recorded in the newsletters. Therefore I have put together this article to show these new yearly statistics for each year since 2001.
Notes of interest include;
- 3,042 is the starting figure for 2001 (previously thought to be 3,100)
- Almost all of the DP-EU books have been posted to the PG site. These duplicates are now subtracted from the totals. Both overall and unique totals will be shown.
- PG U.S. total includes the PG-EU ‘non-unique’ figures as these are still a part of that count.
- REposted total had to be adjusted at the end of 2006 as it was found that a number of reposts were not documented in any newsletter listings.
This is neither a fully accurate nor definitive count, but it certainly brings us another step closer to that goal.
If you have any questions or comments please email the Editor.
PG U.S. = 20,537
This includes 354 PG-EU eBooks that are U.S. clearable. No check on PG-AU has been done at this time though it is expected that some will have been duplicated from there also.
PG Australia = 1,475
PG Europe = 422 [68 Unique]
At present DP-EU is concentrating on eBooks that are clearable in both Europe and the U.S., so these are being posted to both PG and PG-EU. There are currently 354 postings to both with an additional 68 being post to PG-EU only. This figure of 68 was arrived at by checking against the Newsletter archives only and not using the online database at I am hoping to do this further check at some point in the future.
PG PrePrints = 381
GRAND TOTAL = 22,461
This total includes the 68 unique from PG-EU and not the total of 422 that PG-EU presently has.
Statistics For 2001 Thru [14-Feb] 2007
Year: 2007 | Day: #42/364 | Week: #06 | Month: #01.50 --GRAND TOTALS-- 20,537 PG U.S. 1,475 PG Australia 422 PG Europe [68 Unique] 381 PG PrePrints ====== 22,461 GRAND TOTAL [Using PG-EU Unique Count Only] 1,881 eBooks REposted to the new filing system since 18-May 2004. 7,539 to go to 30,000 eBooks. ~75% of the way to 30,000 ~24% of the way from 20,000 to 30,000 19,419 new eBooks since the start of 2001. ~264 eBooks p/m for ~73.50 months. --YEARLY TOTALS-- 322 PG U.S. 21 PG Australian 14 PG Europe [3 Unique] 0 PG PrePrints ===== 346 TOTAL [Using PG-EU Unique Count Only] 57 per week 229 per month 13 eBooks REposted to the new filing system. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year: 2006 | Days: #364 | Weeks: #52 | Months: #12.00 --GRAND TOTALS-- 20,215 PG U.S. 1,454 PG Australia 408 PG Europe [65 Unique] 381 PG PrePrints ====== 22,115 GRAND TOTAL [Using PG-EU Unique Count Only] 1,835 eBooks REposted to the new filing system since 18-May 2004. + 33 adjustment for undocumented postings. ----- 1,868 REposted eBook Total 7,885 to go to 30,000 eBooks. ~74% of the way to 30,000 ~21% of the way from 20,000 to 30,000 19,073 new eBooks since the start of 2001. ~265 eBooks p/m for ~72.00 months. --YEARLY TOTALS-- 2,807 PG U.S. 935 PG Australian 198 PG Europe [23 Unique] 381 PG PrePrints ===== 4,146 TOTAL [Using PG-EU Unique Count Only] 80 per week 346 per month 459 eBooks REposted to the new filing system. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year: 2005 | Days: #364 | Weeks: #52 | Months: #12.00 --GRAND TOTALS-- 17,408 PG U.S. 519 PG Australia 210 PG Europe [42 Unique] 0 PG PrePrints [Not Yet Started] ====== 17,969 GRAND TOTAL [Using PG-EU Unique Count Only] 1,376 eBooks REposted to the new filing system since 18-May 2004. 2,031 to go to 20,000 eBooks. ~90% of the way to 20,000 ~80% of the way from 10,000 to 20,000 14,927 new eBooks since the start of 2001. ~249 eBooks p/m for ~60.00 months. --YEARLY TOTALS-- 2,859 PG U.S. 119 PG Australian 127 PG Europe [39 Unique] 0 PG PrePrints [Not Yet Started] ===== 3,017 TOTAL [Using PG-EU Unique Count Only] 58 per week 251 per month 174 eBooks REposted to the new filing system. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year: 2004 | Days: #364 | Weeks: #52 | Months: #12.00 --GRAND TOTALS-- 14,549 PG U.S. 400 PG Australia 83 PG Europe [3 Unique] ====== 14,952 GRAND TOTAL [Using PG-EU Unique Count Only] 1,202 eBooks REposted to the new filing system since 18-May 2004. 5,048 to go to 20,000 eBooks. ~75% of the way to 20,000 ~50% of the way from 10,000 to 20,000 11,990 new eBooks since the start of 2001. ~250 eBooks p/m for ~48.00 months. --YEARLY TOTALS-- 3,972 PG U.S. 83 PG Australian 83 PG Europe [3 Unique] ===== 4,058 TOTAL [Using PG-EU Unique Count Only] 78 per week 338 per month 1,202 eBooks REposted to the new filing system. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year: 2003 | Days: #371 | Weeks: #53 | Months: #12.00 --GRAND TOTALS-- 10,577 PG U.S. 317 PG Australia 0 PG Europe [Not Yet Started] ====== 10,894 GRAND TOTAL 9,106 to go to 20,000 eBooks. ~54% of the way to 20,000 ~ 9% of the way from 10,000 to 20,000 7,852 new eBooks since the start of 2001. ~218 eBooks p/m for ~36.00 months. --YEARLY TOTALS-- 4,010 PG U.S. 166 PG Australian 0 PG Europe [Not Yet Started] ===== 4,176 TOTAL 79 per week 348 per month -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year: 2002 | Days: #364 | Weeks: #52 | Months: #12.00 --GRAND TOTALS-- 6,567 PG U.S. 151 PG Australia ====== 6,718 GRAND TOTAL 3,282 to go to 10,000 eBooks. ~67% of the way to 10,000 ~17% of the way from 5,000 to 10,000 3,676 new eBooks since the start of 2001. ~153 eBooks p/m for ~24.00 months. --YEARLY TOTALS-- 2,315 PG U.S. 117 PG Australian ===== 2,432 TOTAL 47 per week 203 per month -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year: 2001 | Days: #364 | Weeks: #52 | Months: #12.00 --GRAND TOTALS-- 4,252 PG U.S. 34 PG Australia ====== 4,286 GRAND TOTAL 5,714 to go to 10,000 eBooks. ~43% of the way to 10,000 --YEARLY TOTALS-- 1,210 PG U.S. 34 PG Australian ===== 1,244 TOTAL 24 per week 104 per month Total at the start of 2001 = 3,042