UPDATE: The Sony PRS-500 has now been discontinued – its replacement is a big improvement over this version. Check out my article on the Sony Reader Digital Book PRS-505
Possibly one of the most important advancements for eBook readers is the E-Ink® screen technology, and the Sony Reader is the first major commercial device to use it. This technology means reading is almost as natural as reading on paper.
The Reader is very simple to use and provides an excellent reading experience and with a battery life that lasts well over 7000 page turns you won’t be dashing back home to recharge.
Sony currently has well over 10,000 best-seller titles in their CONNECT eBook store, although they presently have very few technology books available (Internet, Programming, Graphics Design, etc.), the E-Ink® technology is constantly improving and once we have large color screens, we may start to see more of these type of book being made available.
Here’s the official Sony blurb;
The Portable Reader offers a new and convenient digital reading experience. It boasts an amazing screen with technology that rivals text on paper. Weighing less than 9 ounces2 and at only 1/2″ thin, it’s more compact than many paperbacks. Plus, it comes with a soft, black cover and software that seamlessly allows you to search and browse thousands of electronic book titles from the Connect? eBookstore and then easily transfer from your PC to your Sony Reader. With built-in memory and multi-format support, you can take many of your favorite titles and documents with you. So compact and convenient, you’ll want to take it everywhere. MP3 & Portable Electronics Portable Reader PRS-500
Sony’s current retail price is: $279.99.
Since buying my Reader in December (2006) my eBook reading experience has certainly improved. Although there are now several other devices on the market (which I haven’t tried yet), I would certainly have to recommend this.