PG Monthly Newsletter (2009-01-21)

by Michael Cook on January 21, 2009

The Project Gutenberg Monthly Newsletter, Jan. 21, 2009
eBooks Readable By Both Humans And Computers Since 1971

We are going to post an immediate transcript of Obama's
inaugural speech, which is going to make for a Tuesday,
and possibly a Wednesday, of major proportions.

So. . . .

I'm expecting a rather busy day the 20th, so I am doing
as much of the Newsletter half a day early as possible,
so be forewarned, some of the numbers may be a day late
or early, depending on how you look at things.

OK. . .that worked out and we have already had postings
of several versions of the speech with several more for
release in the near future.

Give The World eBooks in 2009!!!

47 Months to The End of the World Via Mayan Calendaring
on December 21, 2012 [some now saying October 11, 2011]

Leaving 3 years 11 months, 15 2/3 seasons or 47 months.

Not to worry, I will still make long range predictions.

New Project Gutenberg Landmarks and Headlines

We added our 44th US Presidential Inaugual Speech.

Our Chinese eBook Library reached 400 titles overnight.

Project Gutenberg on Twitter

In a further step to creating a PG community beyond the core 
websites, we have setup a Project Gutenberg account at

Any news or interesting info we come across relating to PG will get 
140 character Twitter announcement, so keep us posted.

The new goal is to put Spanish into our Top 5 list.

I desperately need some Spanish speaking people to help me!

We also officially passed 32,000 original Project Gutenberg
eBooks this past month, including all our usual listings.

This means the original Project Gutenberg editions now list
as many titles as the average U.S. public library.

Please note that PrePrints now has dropped nearly 500 eBooks!!!

Of course they are still there, just "retired,"

So let us know if you want to try finishing any of those.

Well worth looking into:

We could use someone to write a piece about PrePrints.

We also need more help with the Chinese eBooks there.

The News In More Detail

Our All Time Hottest Requests!!!!!!!


I am looking for the earliest flash RAM possible.

The very earliest were PCMCIA cards, such as used for the
Poqet computer, etc.

The earliest USB flash drives were DisgoDizgo, M-Systems
and these were OEMed by IBM, HP, etc. They are particular
in a recognizable fashion because their snapon connectors
resemble the connectors of jigsaw puzzles.

We received two examples of RAM actually labeled "Flash,"
for the H-P 95 pocket DOS machine from 1991, and a sample
of Fairchild bubble memory, as well, from down under.

Thank you, Mate!


We need someone who can do PowerPoint illustrations.

One in particular, building a 3-D box of 1,000 dominoes.

Additional Newsletter Services

In addition, we will provide the PG Canada Newsletter and
totals from PG of Australia, Europe, PrePrints, etc.

You should notice that we had a very good month, with 100
books done nearly every single week.

These totals do NOT include 75,000+ at

Where there are eBooks representing over 100 languages.

These are the various totals from the ~30,000 at

and our other Project Gutenberg Sites

This week:

       day       | cnt
  Wed 2009-01-14 |  10
  Thu 2009-01-15 |   5
  Fri 2009-01-16 |   3
  Sat 2009-01-17 |   5
  Sun 2009-01-18 |   9
  Mon 2009-01-19 |  11
  Tue 2009-01-20 |  12

Thanks to Marcello Perathoner!

Here are the current language totals
for languages with over 50 eBooks.

Grand total for today: 27755

23468   English en
1359    French  fr
560     German  de
484     Finnish fi
400     Chinese zh
387     Dutch   nl
294     Portuguese      pt
222     Spanish es
176     Italian it
62      Latin   la
55      Esperanto       eo
54      Tagalog tl
50      Swedish sv

and some from last month

Grand total for today: 27,475 [- 27,188 ] +287

23,277 [ - 23,075 =] +202  English en
  1,333 [ -  1,319 =] + 14  French  fr
    556 [ -    553 =] +  3  German  de
    480 [ -    476 =] +  4  Finnish fi
    392 [ -    377 =] + 25  Chinese zh
    370 [ -    361 =] +  9  Dutch   nl
    287 [ -    267 =] + 20  Portuguese pt
    218 [ -    217 =] +  1  Spanish es
    169 [ -    164 =] +  5  Italian it

Not to mention PrePrints, Canada, Australia, Europe....

Total increase       +287      All Reported Languges

and from the previous month. . . .

Grand total for today 27,188 [ - 26,867 =] +321

23,075 [ - 22,863 =] + 212   English en
  1,319 [ -  1,289 =] +  76   French  fr
    553 [ -    549 =] +   4   German  de
    476 [ -    470 =] +   6   Finnish fi
    361 [ -    359 =] +   2   Dutch   nl
    377 [ -    359 =] +  18   Chinese zh
    267 [ -    260 =] +   7   Portuguese pt
    217 [ -    207 =] +  10   Spanish es
    164 [ -    159 =] +   5   Italian it


Total increase       + 321     All Reported Lanugages

Thanks to Greg Newby!


And From Project Gutenberg Sites Worldwide

27,755   up   280  PG General Automated Count
  1,728   up     5  PG of Australia
    565   up    12  PG of Europe
  2,013  DOWN  481  PG PrePrints, Reserved [42],etc.
    222   up    20  PG of Canada, Estimated.
32,283  DOWN  164  due to PrePrints and Reserved fixes

[However, we will be replacing the missing 448 or so,
which are still available to work on, with 2,000 more
of Prof. Mao's Chinese eBooks, etc., in PrePrints.]

>From last month

27,475  +   287    PG General Automated Count
  1,723  +     6    PG Australia
    553  +    13    PG Europe
  2,494  +    33    PG PrePrints
    202  +    12    PG Canada  [Estimated]
32,447  +   349    by various automated counts and newsletters

Note  Without counting PrePrints, we are still about 30K,
and some of the new .lit collection will not make it under
our current rules of addition from PrePrints, and would be
deleted from PrePrints without moving to other listings.

The 307 Chinese eBooks in PrePrints will probably go, as a
team of our best Chinese workers says they are not worth a
lot more time to work on, etc.

Note  There are perhaps 100 eBooks not listed here
that are already in circulation from Project Gutenberg.

Note  PG Canada includes English, French, and Italian.

Here is how we ended 2008

27,616   PG General Automated Count
  1,726   Project Gutenberg of Australia
    554   Project Gutenberg of Europe
    225   Project Gutenberg of Canada [Estimated]
          [202 up to December, no current report]
  2,431   PrePrints [Counting the 307 Chinese eBooks +111]
======   ======
32,552   Grand Total [Counting those PrePrints]

Here is how we ended 2007

The combined PG projects had produced a total of 26,161 titles.

The most number of books posted... one day was 65 on the 26th December one week was 151 in Week 18 (week ending 9th May) one month was 477 in November

We averaged
338 per month [Over 4,000 for the year]
  78 per week
  11.13 per day

99 titles were newly REposted to the new filing system, bringing us 
almost to

the 2,000 mark.

Here is a small selection of project milestones;

TOTAL Original Project Gutenberg eBooks equals about
the number of books in the average U.S. public library
   32,500 on 20082121 [Counting the 307 Chinese Preprints]
                      [And presuming 3 after official count]
   32,000 on Calcuating
   31,500 on 20081021 [not an error, 1,777 PrePrints]
   30,000 on 20081021
   29,500 on 20080919
   29,000 ~~ Calculating
   28,500 ~~ Calculating
   28,000 ~~ 20080516
   27,500 on 20080405
   27,000 ~~ 20080229
   26,500 on 20080126
   26,000 on 20071224
   25,000 on 20071012
   24,000 on 20070710
   23,000 on 20070415

   1,700 on 20081010
   1,600 on 20080208
   1,500 on 20070407

PG Canada
   175 on 20080930
   100 on 20080325
   110 on 20080417

gmonthly mailing list


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