Was Darwin’s Origin of Species delayed due to workload?

Contrary to the beliefs of many Darwin scholars, the great evolutionist did not delay publishing his theory for fear of professional ridicule or social shame. According to a new analysis of Charles Darwin’s correspondence, the real reason was much more prosaic – he was snowed under with work. In his autobiography Darwin said “I gained […]

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Thriller writer Richard S. Prather dies aged 85

Thriller writer from a world of sex, violence, Caddys and ‘frails’ In the booming postwar market for paperback detective fiction, the groundbreaking bestseller was Mickey Spillane’s Mike Hammer, but Richard S Prather’s Shell Scott was not far behind. Where Hammer’s appeal lay in a mix of raw sex and violence, Scott’s adventures tended toward the […]

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PG Weekly Newsletter (2007-03-28)

pgweekly_2007_03_28.txt The Project Gutenberg Weekly Newsletter for Wednesday, March 28, 2007 ****eBooks Readable by Both Humans and Computers since July 4, 1971**** http://www.gutenberg.org NOTE: Best viewed with a fixed-width font, i.e. Courier New. Windows NotePad is a good a program to use for viewing. NEWS HEADLINES ————– Visit www.pg-news.org to read these news items. * […]

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World’s Oldest Newspaper Dumps Print Version

The Associated Press reports that Sweden’s Post-och Inrikes Tidningar — the world’s oldest newspaper — has now dumped its print edition and gone digital only. The newspaper, founded in 1645 by Sweden’s Queen Kristina, became a Web-only publication on Jan. 1. It’s a fate, many ink-stained writers and readers fear, that may await many of […]

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The Medieval Helpdesk: A Youtube Video

A short movie on YouTube that is getting millions of hits, and is a total riot! Just a short note on how the video about the Medieval “Book” Helpdesk got here. As with so many people, I had played with YouTube once a month or so to do a little searching for certain things and […]

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The People Who Owned the Bible – A Very funny Copyright Story

It was time for another Mickey Mouse Copyright Extension to keep Disney’s star property out of the public domain. Somebody’s nephew had a bright idea. Instead of telling Congress to add the standard twenty years to the length of copyright, why not go for the big time? Extend copyright by 500 years. Somebody’s niece added […]

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Reviews/Recommendations for PG e-texts Wanted

Due to the incredible success of the “Trench on Words” review, which went straight into the Top-Ten of our “Most Popular” listings, we’d like to encourage more reviews and commentary materials on Project Gutenberg. If you know of any public domain reviews or if you wish to write your own review/recommendation on any of the […]

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The Loss and Rediscovery of the Great Epic of Gilgamesh

The stylized images of ancient Assyrian kings, with their braided beards and Art Deco muscles, riding out in chariots to hunt lions or men, are now familiar, but until the 19th century nothing was known of them. All evidence had been buried for more than two millenniums under the soil of what is today Iraq. […]

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Borders retreats from Britain to concentrate on US book chain

Borders, the US book chain, said yesterday it planned to withdraw from Britain, underlining the dire state of book retailing on the high street. The group said it had hired the investment bank Merrill Lynch to explore alternatives for its 71 stores in the UK. It also plans to get rid of its businesses in […]

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Real readers want bookshops with personality and choice

When a bookshop works, there is really nothing quite like it – and Foyles works. As an independent, it cannot compete with the big chains on advertising or discounts. So it has come up with other, more subtle strategies to bring in customers. Its staff, for instance, are passionate and knowledgeable (I know for a […]

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PG Weekly Newsletter (2007-03-21)

pgweekly_2007_03_21.txt The Project Gutenberg Weekly Newsletter for Wednesday, March 21, 2007 ****eBooks Readable by Both Humans and Computers since July 4, 1971**** http://www.gutenberg.org NOTE: Best viewed with a fixed-width font, i.e. Courier New. Windows NotePad is a good a program to use for viewing. THIS WEEKS NEWS ————— THE OPENLEARN PROJECT The openlearn project makes […]

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