In exploring new ways of connecting people to Project Gutenberg’s vast collection of free ebooks we’ve created our very own Facebook page. Here you’ll find all kinds of information and status updates.
It should be noted that this is very much experimental – it may work, then again it may not. The more everyone gets involved, the more successful it will be.
Head over to the new Project Gutbenberg Facebook Page.
Please note that there is another PG page on Facebook, but the above link is the official one.
Volunteers Wanted
Our gutenberg.org webmaster, Marcello Perathoner, is looking for people with previous PG and Facebook experience to help administer the new Facebook page. Tasks will include; answering questions from users, removing spam, writing status updates, etc.
At this time we’ve no idea how much traffic the page will generate nor how much time it will require to administer, but if you’re able to spare a little time, then we’d love to have you onboard.
How to apply
First, go over to Facebook and ‘Like’ the page, then send Marcello an email (webmaster@gutenberg.org). Please include your Facebook name in the email so he know’s who to make an admin.